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AAEditore is the publishing house in the process of being acquired by the Ambrosini MediaGroup SRL. Always focused on young talent, it is the owner of the Anche Tu® National Creative Writing Competition for young writers.


In addition to significant and often controversial contributions in the fields of non-fiction, medical and scientific communication, as well as contemporary foreign literature and national and international politics, AAEditore also embraces the future that is already present. Its editorial platform promotes emerging authors and tackles the new challenges posed by digital publishing.


It is the passion for knowledge, communication, and entertainment that drives the careful curation of the books it publishes and energizes the editorial program, which stands out for the freedom and originality of its offerings.


From the venom of a particular species of scorpion, the Cuban pharmaceutical company LABIOFAM has developed a natural, homeopathic product used as a complementary cancer treatment for thousands of patients.

The Truth About Cuban Scorpion Venom, by Giovanni Ambrosino, is part of the ILMEDICOINFORMA series, sponsored by the National Federation of Medical and Dental Orders, where the author serves as the scientific coordinator. The book presents the results of 10 years of research, guidelines for using the venom, where to obtain it, and what to do in case of side effects. Data published for the first time worldwide.


The author, Professor Giovanni Ambrosino, is a world-renowned surgeon. He is a professor at the University of Padua and a Fellow at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University of Pittsburgh for liver transplants. He was the first in the world to use transplanted liver cells in a child with a severe genetic disorder, and the first in Italy to use a bioartificial liver in a young woman in a coma.

He has also served as Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights and is a member of the Academy of Science.


The short story collections Tempo Vuoto and Zanne d'avorio, amaro di mirra: Le Allucinazioni Lucide are the result of the talent of the young winners of the Anche Tu® National Creative Writing Competition, all aged between 14 and 19.


The competition featured a prestigious jury, including Strega Prize winners Paolo Giordano and Alessandro Piperno, with writer Leonardo Colombati serving as Jury President.


Lo scrittore Leonardo Colombati e il Prof. Marco Camerini.

I vincitori del concorso Anche Tu.

l Prof. Ambrosino, autore del libro "La verità sul veleno dello scorpione cubano", con il dott. Fraga Castro. Consolidato uno straordinario accordo scientifico di grande interesse per la ricerca sul cancro in Italia.

Presentazione del libro del Prof. Giovanni Ambrosino "La verità sul veleno dello scorpione cubano" al Westin Dragonara Resort di Malta, seguita da un convegno sul Vidatox organizzato da Omeopharma Ltd tenuto dai ricercatori Labiofam di Cuba.

Il Prof. Giovanni Ambrosino con le dottoresse Niudys Cruz Zamora (a sinistra) e Mariela Guevara Garcia (a destra).

Presentazione del libro "La verità sul veleno dello scorpione cubano" presso l'Istituto Latino Americano di Roma.

L'Ambasciatrice della repubblica di Cuba e Giovanni Ambrosino.

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